Friday, February 6, 2009


Lightening speed, super strength, the ability to fly, all common superpowers that many would choose if they had the option. However, if it was up to me to decide I would choose the powers of shape shifting, and teleportation. Being a shape shifter would allow me to morph into any animal, object, or person that I desired. Not only would I be capable of taking their form but I would also inherit the skills that they possess.To avoid the consequences of my poor actions I could simply change form into that of an innocent by standard. Doing so I would be able to get away with anything. Shape shifting would also allow to me to undergo a metamorphosis into a member of the society which people look to as deities of the world, such as celebrities. Experiences such as going to the Oscars or competing in the Olympics would no longer be far fetched dreams but an amazing reality. The feeling of being admired by millions is only granted to those lucky few but with this superpower even an everyday person like myself could relish in the glory. Transforming into an object would grant me the ability to escape from any danger that may come my way, such as if a raging axe murderer were to try and attack me I could choose to change form into that of an object leaving him clueless as to where I've gone. Although it may seem like a selfish superpower I could also use it to benefit others. My transforming into objects would be very beneficial to those around me. In scenarios such as being lost in the woods without the ability to make a fire I could transform into a lighter. In the situation of a crime scene or a robbery I could take the form of an officer and take criminals captive which helps to benefit society. In typical schools when there are fights and no teachers present to break them up I could take the form of one interceding and stopping the fight. This power towers over all of the others allowing me to have the realistic powers in life. These are only a few of the endless ways I could use shape shifting to help the world.This power towers over all of the others allowing me to have the realistic powers in life. Yes super strength would be fun but in reality how often would one really use it? Flying? Sure, it would be a thrill for a while but afterwards one would get bored of it. To be honest mind reading would be quite the power but it would ultimately result in me finding out too much, and probably things I'm better off not knowing. Another superpower I would enjoy would be that of teleportation. Being able to move from one spot to the next in a blink of an eye could have endless possibilities. Instead of being caught up in reveries of traveling the world I could do just that. Being a teenager I could do the typical sneaking out of the house routine without even having to step foot outside my bedroom door. Not only would this leave my parents completely oblivious but it would give me the power to be back in the comfort of my own home within seconds of them thinking I was gone. Danger would seem like a foreign word to me because of my ability to move out of its way, whether it be a natural disaster or a psychotic killer. These two superpowers would leave me with no limitations to what I could do. The combination of shape shifting and teleportation would be epitome of the perfect superhero.

1 comment:

  1. That was a mouthful, but I can't argue with you. You bring up some valid points and some awesome powers I would absolutely love.
