Monday, April 27, 2009

Growing Violence in North America

Who wants to live in a society where violence, shootings, massacre, and murder are escalating at a great pace? Unfortunately this is a great aspect within North American society where violence has become a factor that people have all grown accustomed to. The numerous factors that contribute to the growing violence in North America are media, gangs, drugs, and personal beliefs.

Media plays a huge role in the publicizing violence and shows it to be an essential factor of entertainment. It is nearly impossible now and days to avoid violence when watching movies. Whether it be action and adventure or even comedy violence is portrayed within nearly all motion pictures and is considered to be a great source of entertainment. While people watch their idol's on the big screen murdering and shooting others they are given the impression that it is okay to do the same. Even children who watch television shows such as X Men or Power Rangers are found imitating their heroes and are often found playing games involving pretending to hurt each other. Boys especially, at a young age, grow up with toy guns and watching violent shows believing that being violent makes them "cool" making it okay. Even the most violence appauled teenagers tune in weekly to watch shows such as 24 which has been a debated series because of its torturing tactics being used in real life.

Another large aspect of media that is sweeping the nation is the new found love for video games. "Grand Theft Auto" for example is and extremely popular video game which entails in gang violence, prostitution, robbery, and murder. Thousands of teenagers run home to play games such as this one which involve an overwhelming amount violence. However violence isn't considered to contain the shock value that it did years ago, instead it is something that everyone has become desensitized to and is considered to be just another entertainment aspect. Overall media is one of the main factors which promotes violence within North American society and will continue to be a growing phenomenon.

Another aspect of violence which is continuing to grow is gang violence. In large cities people join gangs as a growing trend or through family tradition. Opposing gangs are involved in shootings which ultimately results in death. According to Vancouver Sun "Vancouver is Canada's center of gang activity." Within the past few months the Vancouver Police Department has put together a new gang squad of 20 members to follow different strings of shootings within the past few months. The fact that there is a squad organized specifically against gang violence shows that it is a large problem that needs to be dealt with. In Mexico gang violence is taken to another degree. According to The Star "more than 7,000 have died in the last two years, with 1,000 deaths this January alone."People throughout all of North America, whether it be Vancouver or Mexico, are left feeling unsafe in their own homes because of the reoccurring gang violence which takes place in their communities. The growing gangs recruiting more members result in the growing violence within today's society. What is being done about this? Yes, many are being jailed and put behind bars but more action should be taken against gang prevention and perhaps the idea of society without violence would not seem implausible.

A factor that is a large part of gang violence along with violence in general is drugs. The conflict of having control of the drug market is one that has led to an excessive amount of violence. Recently a large amount of crime and shootings has resulted from the drug wars occurring within Mexico. The fight over control of the drug market has reached new extremes with not only having groups murder rivals, but also officers as well as innocent bystanders. This war on drugs contributes to the increasing violence and growth of gangs throughout the country. The financial appeal of drugs only results in power struggle as well as death.

What can be done to prevent this violence? It is not an easy task but it is one that can be accomplished. With less promotion from the media, reduced violence in video games and prevention of gangs along with drug wars North America could decrease the outrageouse amount of violence that is present today.